Вам виповнилося 18? / Did you turn 18? Did you turn 18?
Надмiрне споживання алкоголю шкiдливе для вашого здоров’я. Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your health.
Подорослішай, друже! Growing up, friend!
Collab #001. Ten Men Brewery and Modus Brewing

Partner brewery Modus Brewing

Partner website: https://www.mobrewing.com.au/

Country: Australia

Beer type: Pale Ale – New England / Hazy

Hops: Citra, Mosaic, El Dorado CGX Cryo

Alc.: 5.20%

About brewery: Modus Brewing is an Australian brewery, that has been brewing craft beer since 2014 without compromising on quality and environmental responsibility. It also loves beer and believes that “every drop of life is worth the hard work it takes to make it”. The equipment, packaging, logistics are eco-friendly, even the building is constructed from recycled materials. So organic production waste makes local cattle happy.

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